Your donation allows us to continue to provide care and love for these dogs until they can find their own forever homes. Food, vet costs, treats, toys, harnesses, collars, leashes - all things these dogs need. Help out now by clicking the donate button below to donate online or mail a check to: SusieQ Dog ResQ, P.O. Box 236, Conesus, NY 14435.
Spread the Word
Tell your friends and family about these amazing pets. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Visit our Facebook page to share photos of our adoptable dogs.
Join Us
Check out our upcoming activities on our events page and get involved! We'd love to see you at our Meet and Greets at local pet stores and fundraising events including spaghetti dinners, craft shows, and our annual yard sale!
Susie Q Dog ResQ is always looking for good foster homes. The more space in foster homes we can secure for our rescues, the more dogs we can save! If you are an animal lover, have some time and patience to give and you're looking for a great way to volunteer, fostering may just be for you. Please consider offering your home as a foster home so that we can continue to save as many dogs as possible.
Lady (right) and her foster brother Acorn (left) enjoying a stick together.